Monday, April 2, 2012

Want to Help?

I just updated my "Want to Help?" page! I spoke with the sisters here and got a list of some of the things we really need in our community. If you'd like to get involved and help with any of the things listed below (and also on the "Want to Help?" page) send me an e-mail or find me on Skype!

Centro de Salud “Sagrada familia” (Health Center)
  • Materials for courses for adolescents and adults in sewing/tailoring, painting, manicure/pedicure: 1.200.000 Gs (approximately $300)
  • Medicines for patients and supplies for doctors and nurses to use in consultation/treatment: 2,500,000 Gs (approximately $625) each month
  • Salary for dental assistant for 10 months: 6,000,000 Gs. (approximately $1,500) each month.

Jardin de Infantes (Kindergarten)

  • Two CD players/Tape recorders (Boom Box): 300,000 Gs. (approximately $75 each)
  • Projector 2,800,000. Gs. (approximately $700)

“Adopt” a Child, Adolescent or Family
There are many children, adolescents and families in need of help with things such as clothing, uniforms, shoes, school supplies, etc. Since shipping costs are so high, donating money for the purchase of supplies here would probably be the most economical; however, if you'd rather send the items that works, too. For more information on a specific child or family contact me.

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