Wednesday, January 4, 2012

¡Mi cumpleaños!

Ahora yo tengo veinticuatro años. (Now, I’m 24 years old). I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday away from home. The sisters really showed me that I’m a part of their family today, and I am so grateful for all of the wonderful things that they did to make my birthday special. It started out with a bacon and egg breakfast, followed by a pedicure, my first ever (thank you Mary!), a trip to Barnes & Noble and lunch in Uptown, and to top it all off we had pizza for dinner and cake and ice cream for dessert!

My year as a 24-year-old is going to be filled with many new experiences and challenges. As always, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. A huge thank you to everyone that made this birthday wonderful and for all of the messages, phone calls and wall posts wishing me a happy birthday. It meant a lot.


Getting our pedicures.
Birthday decorations and chocolate.

Getting ready for a classic Hiliary birthday meal.

Blowing out the candles. Got all 24 in one breath!

Sr. Antoinette, Sr. Marilu and Sr. Christina.
My cake!
Gifts from the sisters. Muchas gracias!
One of my birthday presents from Matt via Skype--After a year and a half, I finally got to see him in his glasses!

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